How to get an overview of the state of the device


Use the Overview call to get an overview of the state of the IXrouter.


curl --request POST \
     --url "" \
     --data '
         "jsonrpc": "2.0",
         "id": 1,
         "method": "call",
         "params": [
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": [
            "network": {
                "wwan": {
                    "available": true,
                    "network": {
                        "roaming": "0",
                        "registration": "registered",
                        "plmn_description": "NL KPN"
                    "apn": "internet",
                    "up": true,
                    "status": "connected",
                    "pending": false,
                    "sim": {
                        "state": "SIM card ready"
                    "signal": {
                        "type": "lte",
                        "rsrq": -20,
                        "rsrp": -114,
                        "snr": -6,
                        "rssi": -76,
                        "quality": 43
                "lan": {
                    "proto": "static",
                    "up": true,
                    "mask": 24,
                    "pending": false,
                    "address": "",
                    "available": true
                "wan": {
                    "dns-server": "",
                    "proto": "dhcp",
                    "up": true,
                    "mask": 15,
                    "pending": false,
                    "address": "",
                    "available": true
                "ap_lan": {
                    "ssid": "IXON_21050005"
                "sta_wan": {
                    "proto": "dhcp",
                    "ssid": "IXON Guest",
                    "up": false,
                    "pending": false,
                    "available": true
            "switch": {
                "lan1": "up",
                "lan2": "lowerlayerdown",
                "wan": "up",
                "lan3": "lowerlayerdown",
                "lan4": "lowerlayerdown"
            "ixagent": {
                "status": {
                    "logging_steward": "connected",
                    "apiclient": "registered",
                    "commandclient": "connected",
                    "openvpn": "connected"
                "info": {
                    "openvpn": {
                        "server": ""
                    "apiclient": {
                        "company_id": "9397-4731-1785-1293-4413",
                        "company_name": "Lands Between"
            "dhcp": {
                "leases6": [],
                "leases": [
                        "expires": 42955,
                        "ipaddr": "",
                        "hostname": "debian",
                        "macaddr": "00:E0:4C:68:01:C5",
                        "duid": "01:00:e0:4c:68:01:c5"
            "system": {
                "date": "Thu Jun 16 11:15:11 2022"

Some properties may vary between firmware versions.

Example questions that can be answered with the Overview call

You can inspect the response to answer several questions about the state of the IXrouter. For example:


Is my device registered to the IXON Cloud?

ixagent.status.apiclient == "registered"


Does my device have an active VPN connection?

ixagent.status.openvpn == "connected"


To which VPN server is my device connected?

For example


Does my device have an active configuration connection (config push)?

ixagent.status.commandclient == "connected"


Does my device have an active data logging connection?

ixagent.status.logging_steward == "connected"


Is my PLC connected to the device?

dhcp.leases contains an array of all IPv4 leases, macaddr corresponds to your PLC's MAC address.


Is my device connected to my company's Wi-Fi network?

Inspect the network.sta_wan object:

    "network": {
        "sta_wan": {
            "proto": "dhcp",
            "said": "<<companyname>> Guest",
            "up": false,
            "pending": false,
            "available": true

In this case network.sta_wan.up == false, so the device is configured to connect to the <<companyname>> Guest Wi-Fi network, but the connection is not active (out of range, password incorrect, etc).