Angular workspace setup guide
Angular workspace + Component SDK + IFrame adapter
Step 1: Install Angular CLI
Install the Angular CLI using the npm package manager:
npm install -g @angular/cli
Step 2: Scaffolding
Start with running the following command:
ng new my-project
You’ll be prompted with a few configuration options.
Keep in mind that if you opt for adding the Angular routing you must use it with the Hash location strategy
When the script finishes, you can run the following command:
cd my-project
Step 3: Integrate Component SDK
To integrate the Component SDK in the workspace, run the following command:
npm install -D @ixon-cdk/core @ixon-cdk/runner
Step 4: Generate IFrame wrapper component
Now that the workspace is correctly set up to run IXON Component SDK commands, run the following command to generate a component:
npx cdk generate my-component
Choose the IFrame wrapper
Step 5: Configure Angular
Now run the following two commands to configure the Angular build base URL and output path:
ng config "" "./"
ng config "" "components/my-component/dist"
Step 6: Build and Simulate
You can now build the Angular app and simulate it through the iframe wrapper component, by running these two commands:
ng build --watch
npx cdk simulate my-component
Step 7: Component Context
The following code snippet contains an angular module ComponentContextLoaderModule
injection token. Place the code in a file in your project and load the module in the app module. From that point, the component context can be injected into components, directives, or services by using the injection token.
import { APP_INITIALIZER, InjectionToken, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { getComponentContext } from '@ixon-cdk/iframe-adapter';
import { ComponentContext } from '@ixon-cdk/types';
export const COMPONENT_CONTEXT = new InjectionToken<ComponentContext>('ComponentContext');
providers: [
{ provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useValue: () => ComponentContextLoaderModule._ready, multi: true },
{ provide: COMPONENT_CONTEXT, useFactory: () => ComponentContextLoaderModule._value },
export class ComponentContextLoaderModule {
static _ready: Promise<void>;
static _value: ComponentContext;
constructor() {
ComponentContextLoaderModule._ready = getComponentContext().then(context => {
ComponentContextLoaderModule._value = context;
Updated over 1 year ago