Getting started


IXON Custom Component Workspace

The SDK and manual to build a UI Component can be found on GitHub:

In the SDK there are some example components that can be selected when generating a new UI Component.

Additional examples can be found here:

Getting started developing UI Components is easy. You can develop your component locally without the need for registration in IXON Cloud.

To get you started as quickly and easily as possible, a Component workspace is provided with everything you need to develop and publish UI Components.

Development process

Using the Component SDK, a UI Component is first built and tested locally. Next, the component can be uploaded to the company account to test the draft version. After final testing, the UI Component can be published to make it available to all users in the company account where the UI Component is published. The complete process consists of these steps:

  1. Read the on GitHub.
  2. Download the sources from GitHub.
  3. Develop and test a UI Component locally until an early version is ready.
  4. Request a new component template by sending an email to [email protected] providing these details:
    1. Request for a UI Component
    2. The company name
    3. The Company ID (can be found at Admin > Company info > Company ID.)
    4. The name of the new UI Component (this name will be displayed in IXON Cloud in the list of components that can be added to a card or page)
    5. Indicate how the new UI component can be used:
      1. If the UI Component will be used on a main page (Main page: yes/no)
      2. If the UI Component will be used as a landing page (Landing page: yes/no)
      3. If the UI Component will be used as an asset configuration page (Asset configuration page: yes/no)
  5. IXON Support will send a reply when the component template is created. This e-mail will contain a page-component-template ID.
  6. Deploy the new version to the company account (see GitHub).
    1. Both the Company ID and the page-component-template ID are required to upload the UI Component.
    2. When deploying, the UI Component is uploaded to IXON Cloud and a preview link is available, that can be shared. E.g. with a client or colleagues.
  7. If the preview is fine, the UI Component can be published. After publishing the UI Component is available on cards, pages, or reports, depending on the configuration. If the UI Component is linked to a Cloud Function, it is visible as an app in IXON Cloud under Admin > Apps, where it can be enabled.



  • The version number needs to be increased in the manifest file every time a new version is deployed.
  • The user account that is used for publishing needs to have a role with Manage apps enabled.
  • If a third party is hired to develop the UI Component, it might be undesirable that they are given a role with Manage apps enabled in a company account that is used for production. A better solution is to create a separate company account, where the third party has full access, and afterward share the UI Component with the company account that is used for production.
  • If a UI Component is linked to a Cloud Function, it can be shared from Admin > Apps in IXON Cloud. Standalone UI Components can be shared by using the endpoint PageComponentTemplateShare.
  • When you publish a new version of a UI Component, it will also update the app in the Company Accounts it is shared with.
  • Cards use a dynamic width, which depends on the screen size. Your design of the card should take this into consideration.